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Best home remedies and tips for cough, cold and chest congestion

Chest cold is mainly caused by a virus infection. The mucous and phlegm gets drained into the lungs and causes inflammation and irritation in the lung area, it starts to the chest cold.
Some common symptoms of chest cold are excessive wheezing, pain in the chest while coughing and mild fever.The delay in the common cold treatment generally causes the chest cold so, treatment is essential before it becomes a chronic issue.

You can use some of the home remedies to treat your chest cold.The home remedies for chest cold are easy to use and help to lessen the pain and suffering that comes with the chest cold. I assure you that you will recover from this condition soon.Let’s have a look.

Lemon Juice for Chest Cold:
Many people suggest avoiding to take citrus fruit if you are suffering from a chest cold but lemon juice is exceptional. It is a natural expectorant, helps to remove mucus from the respiratory tract. Lemon has antioxidant properties and Vitamin C, lemon juice strengthens the immune system and fights chest cold infection effectively.

Fresh lemon – 1
Honey- 1 tbsp
Warm water- 1 cup


Take one fresh lemon and squeeze out the lemon juice.
Add 1 tbsp of honey to it and mix it well
Add this mixture to 1 cup of warm water.
Stir it well and drink it immediately.
Consume it twice a day to get rid of a chest cold.

Turmeric for Chest Cold:

Turmeric has antiseptic properties. It helps to reduce lung inflammation and strengthens the immune system of the body to fight chest cold infection.

Turmeric powder- 1 Tsp
Milk – 1 cup
Sugar – 1 Tsp

Take milk in a bowl and heat it in the microwave oven for 30 seconds.
Add turmeric powder and sugar to the hot milk.
Mix it well.
Drink it before the bedtime.

Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is very useful to treat the symptoms of a chest cold. It treats a cough naturally and clears the chest congestion.

Warm water – 1 cup
Apple cider vinegar – 1 tbsp
Honey – 1 tbsp

 Take water and boil it. Add apple cider vinegar and honey.
Mix it well
Drink it immediately.
Take this twice a day for better result.

 Radish for Chest Cold

Radish help to prevent mucus formation and cures a sore throat. It helps to loosen the mucus and also diminishes the throat disturbances and soreness.

Fresh radish – 1
Sugar – 1 Tsp

Wash the radish and chop it into small pieces.
Extract the radish juice using a juicer and add 1 tsp of sugar to the radish juice.
Mix it well.
Drink it twice a day.
By using this home remedy you will get rid of a chest cold in 3-4 days

 Bay Leaves for Chest Cold

Bay leaf is very useful to cure respiratory diseases. It helps to remove the mucus and clear the lung area. This remedy also treats choric lung diseases.

4 Bay leaves
Water – 1 cup
Honey – 1 tbsp

Boil 1 cup of water and add bay leaves to the boiling water.
Strain the tea after 5 minutes.
Add honey to the tea mix it well
Drink it 2-3 times a day to get quick relief from the chest cold.

 Homemade Rub for Chest Cold
Chest rub is one of the best remedies to treat chest cold.
The chest rub helps to relieve the chest congestion and opens up the airways so that the breathing becomes easy.

Almond oil – 1 tbsp
Carrier oil – 1 Tsp
Peppermint, thyme and rosemary  – 1 tsp of each ingredient
Marjoram, eucalyptus, and palmarosa – 3 to 4 drops of each ingredient

Take 1 tbsp of almond oil and add 1 tsp of carrier oil to it.
Add 1 tsp each of peppermint, thyme and rosemary, 3 – 4 drops each of marjoram, eucalyptus, and palmarosa.
Mix it well to form a  solution.
Rub this solution on your chest 3-4 times in a day.
The overnight application is very effective.
This remedy will provide you quick relief from a cough.

Some Quick Remedies for Chest Cold

The quick remedies take very less time and very effective to treat chest cold. The ingredients can directly consume to get the results.

Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to remove the microbes that are responsible for the chest cold.
4-5 cloves garlic
1 tsp of honey
 Crush of garlic and add 1 tsp of honey to it. Take it twice a day.

Ginger can help to melt the phlegm blocked in your chest and nasal passages.
1-2 small pieces of ginger
1 tsp of honey
Crush 1-2 small pieces of ginger and add 1 tsp of honey to it. Take it 2-3 times a day to treat a chest cold

Bitter Gourd Root Paste
 Bitter gourd root helps to improve the resistance power of the body to fight chest cold virus.
2 pieces bitter gourd root
4 basil leaves
1 tsp of honey
Take bitter gourd root and Grind it along with basil leaves. Add honey to the paste. Take it before bedtime.

Fennel Seeds
 Fennel seeds have anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to reduce the effect of a chest cold.
Take ½ cup of fennel seed
 2 tbsp of pepper powder
Grind ½ cup of fennel seed to make a fine powder.
 Add 2 tbsp of pepper powder to it and mix.
Take this mixture twice a day

Tips to Reduce Chest Cold

These tips will help to clear the mucus and prevent chest cold. It will also help to lessen coughing and avoid mild fever.
Steam inhalation helps to get rid of a chest cold.
salt water gargle also helps to get relief from the chest cold.
Drink a lot of water and fluids like juices, soups, and teas.
Consume raw onion and parsley to cure chest cold
Avoid dairy products, junk, and oily food.
Don't eat foods with more sugar and salt content.
Do yoga and exercise because it helps to drain out the mucus and open up the airways.
Quit smoking because smoking aggravates respiratory problems and cause lung infections.

All these home remedies and tips for chest congestion help to reduce the pain and suffering that comes with the chest cold. Try the one which you think will suit your body.


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